Launch Info
2025 Launch Schedule
Note: all launches are Saturday 9am - ~3pm except where noted. Sunday is our backup weather day.
January 18st
February 15th
March 15th
April 12th
Midwest power November 8-10 th
Launch Info
Each launch usually starts at 9am and runs until around 3pm. Please feel welcome to join us early to help set up the range and stay late to put the equipment away. Launches typically wrap up with some sort of friendly gathering, everyone is welcome to stick around and have a good time! If you have any questions about the schedule or availability, please let us know and we'll do everything we can to accommodate your needs (
QCRC has a wide range of 1010 and 1515 rail sizes available for high power as well as some smaller rods for low power flights. If you have any specific launch needs or need to know if we have the equipment to launch your project, please reach out to us and let's make it happen!
Everyone is welcome to attend QCRC launches as a spectator. To fly, you must either pay the One-Day Flight Fee or be a QCRC member, for details on how to join QCRC, please visit our Membership page.
Only members of TRA or NAR are allowed to fly high power rockets for insurance purposes; we can assist you in joining either organization at the launch site.
If you are a member of a local school, college, or university program, QCRC would like to assist in making sure your group is able to fly. Please reach out to us ( with specific details or requests, and we'll be glad to assist you.
QCRC has a standing 18,000 foot waiver with no windows. The waiver is always subject to a cloud ceiling which will be updated when necessary.
Launch Rules
At each Launch, we will hold a brief flyers' meeting prior to the first rocket. There, we will inform flyers of the basic rules of flying at our launch site and give important updates for the day. If you miss that meeting, please ask a Board member for that information prior to launching and/or recovering rockets. In addition to the safety code, below are some requests for our flyers:
To fly High Power (any motor “H Class” or larger) TRA or NAR certification is required by law.
Please do not arm any altimeters or timers until your rocket is vertical on the launch pad, prior to installing the igniter.
Please do not install igniters in any rocket motors until the rocket is vertical on the launch pad.
For care of our launch site, if you are flying any “Sparky” motor, please alert the LCO ahead of time and have a fire crew ready to assist in the event of a field fire. If the field conditions are unsafe for sparky motors, please understand that we may ask flyers to refrain from using such motors.
We are guests on private property; please keep our site clean and please remove any garbage when leaving.
We are not allowed by our landowners to drive or park in any of the farm fields. The only exception is at Midwest Power if we have specific permission to do so. We will notify flyers in that case.
Our neighboring landowners have asked that we please do not park on their private driveways when recovering, so plan on parking on the roadside.
Ask questions, fly safe, have fun!
Official Safety Codes
Below are all of the documents related to the national organizing bodies for hobby and high power rocketry. Click the links to open the PDF version of each document.
From I-80:
Take the IL-26 exit at Princeton and go north approximately 6.5 miles to 2400 N and turn left (west) on 2400 N. Proceed west approximately 2 miles on 2400 N to 1850 E. Turn left (south). In about a quarter mile you should see the TQC set up along the road.
From I-88:
Drive south on IL-26 approximately 22.5 miles South of I-88 to 2400 N and turn right (west) on 2400 N. Proceed west approximately 2 miles on 2400 N to 1850 E. Turn left (south). In about a quarter mile you should see the TQC set up along the road.
Launch site "address" - 23550 1850 E., Ohio, IL 61349